A Rich History
Onsite Septic Solutions, a division of Hastings Construction, has come from deep roots and a rich history in the business community in the Township of Tiny and surrounding area. The original founder of what has evolved into Onsite Septic Solutions, Mr. Homer Spring, purchased his first truck, a 1932 Ford in 1935. Homer and his brother Victor trucked livestock, and other commodities, in the surrounding area. In order to truck livestock to Toronto an application to the Department of Transportation for a P.V.C. licence was submitted and granted, and a thriving business blossomed.

In 1936 Homer bought a new truck, and with business going so well, they purchased a second truck in 1937 with a gravel box to use for local work. They continued with the two trucks for the next 10 years, replacing them when needed. In 1945 Homer sold his license to truck livestock and continued to just haul sand and gravel locally.

Snowplowing had caught Homer’s attention, and in 1946 he purchased a bulldozer and loader to plow the roads for the Township of Tiny. In the 1950’s Ross Hastings, an eager young man from Midland with more interest in equipment then his Father’s clothing store, Hastings’s Men’s Clothing, began to work with Homer. While Homer was growing his equipment business, he was also involved in other business.
Homer was an integral part in developing Balm Beach to what it is today. Homer’s many business start-ups included “The Surf Tea Room”, now known as The Surf Restaurant. In 1959 he sold The Surf and bought a 1959 Shield Bantam shovel.
In the fall of 1959, Ross purchased a tailgate sander and mounted it on one of Homer’s dump trucks to and sanded the icy roads for the County of Simcoe. Ross also married Homer’s daughter, Patricia Spring that same year. Over the next number of years, Ross purchased all of the equipment from Homer and took over most of Homer’s business in 1966, thus beginning Ross Hastings Construction.
Ross continued purchasing equipment for clearing lots, making driveways, digging basements, installing septic systems. In addition to his equipment, Ross purchased a gravel pit in 1968 on Concession 4 West, to complement his expanding business, which is the current location of the offices of Onsite Septic Solutions/Hastings Construction today.

In 1991 Ross received approval from the Ministry of Environment allowing him to operate a licenced Stump Dump at the pit. Ross made a name for himself because of his diligence to provide his customers with great work and excellent customer service.

Kirk started working with his father in 1993 as a foreman. In 1997 he branched off on his own and started Hastings Construction and then in 2001 Kirk started Onsite Septic Solutions. Kirk comes from a long lineage in the construction industry and draws from those years of experience. He has maintained the well-respected reputation cultivated by his Grandfather and Father in the business, and takes great pride in providing his customers with 110%.
In 2005 the shop was built at our pit at 241 Concession 4 West, where we carry out our day-to-day operations. We continue to expand to be able to be a one-stop shop for our customers, taking them from the first shovel in the ground to do final grade with our high quality screened topsoil. We pride ourselves in helping them walk through the site works of their building project with ease.